100 Word Story: The Cat, The Fly, My Face

Caeona Murdoch
1 min readJul 17, 2020


The cat looks at me, I look at the cat.

My phone dings, and a fly buzzes past…

The cat leaps, swatting the fly, which then spirals out of control and right into my face so I frantically swat at my own frikin face, my glasses go flying,

Now my face stings, the cat relocates the fly and proceeds to chew on it like its fly-candy-for-cats, and I sit here laughing at myself realizing how very glad I am that nobody was around to see that, and how I must for sure share the experience with everyone on the internet.

Thanks for reading! 100 word stories are a really fun challenge. Stay tuned for more!



Caeona Murdoch
Caeona Murdoch

Written by Caeona Murdoch

Mother and Aspiring Householder. Shield-Wife. Book Reviews, Art & History, Homesteading & Food. The meandering musings of my mind exposed for you to read.

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